I'm Marta Vargas, a graphic designer from Barcelona currently living in Stockholm.
This is my Visual Diary, where I share pieces about my daily life and the things I love.
Feel free to contact me at hello@martavargas.com, visit my Portfolio
or follow me on Facebook & Instagram. Thank you for visiting!



Sweden, Café, Marta Vargas, Design, Designer, Fika

After several times starting this diary over and over again, I guess it's something I just can't avoid: when life changes, this space has to change with it. Now that I finished my degree and a new professional path is appearing just in front of me, that I'm working in new personal projects and that I'm so excited with everything is going on, I just felt that this place was being so small for all the things I wanted to share.
I always thought that a re-start is something naturally refreshing, so let's see how this grow!

king of the world - first aid kit


  1. Desprenderse es evolucionar. Te sigo con todo: cambios, uniformidad, novedades, rutina o nuevos comienzos.

    1. Gracias Martita, ¡Creo que eres de las pocas que me siguen desde el principio y durante todos los cambios! Gracias, gracias.

  2. Apenas acabo de encontrar tu blog (como quien dice) pero los cambios son siempre emocionantes, así que tengo ganas de ver como evoluciona todo. :)
